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Sales Funnel 101: Pipeline Mathematics
UPDATED 5/8/2020 Nothing in business is guaranteed. But we love, love, LOVE! to find predictability in numbers and metrics. It feels so...
Relevant System FAQs
When people hear about what we do at Relevant, we get a lot of questions. What is a Business Development System? Is it lead gen? Is it a...
Where Will Your Next Customer Come From?
stop targeting the vast quantity of people who will never become your customer and stop barraging them with messaging that will never matter
How Do You Find New Clients?
"How do I find new clients?" is one of the most common questions asked by ad agency owners and biz dev professionals. And here are
Guaranteed Results
It's human nature to want guaranteed results. And if you're buying a sandwich, a car, or a piece of IKEA furniture, it's absolutely...
Rule #1 of Marketing
Rule #1 of Marketing is "Marketing to Everyone is Marketing to No One." This means that if your target audience is something vague like...
Stop Wasting Money on Bad Marketing
Wouldn't it be nice if every minute and every dollar of your marketing and business development efforts were spent EXCLUSIVELY to reach...
How to Fire Bad Clients
Creating a consistent pipeline of new client leads will give your agency the confidence to fire bad clients who don't value your time or
Build a Pipeline of Qualified Leads
Is your agency relying on past customer relationships and word-of-mouth referrals for its business growth? Relevant Business Development wil
What is the Relevant System?
Relevant Business Development is the ad agency for ad agencies. With more than 10 years of experience inside ad agencies, I've learned...
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